Friday, October 24, 2008

Miracle Mineral – Cure To Cancer.

The Truth About What Causes Cancer.

It is believed by most people that DNA damage causes cancer but DNA damage doesn’t have anything to do with cancer development. This deception that DNA damage causes cancer is to trick the population that there is no cure for cancer. This is because FDA and pharmaceutical industries make hundreds of billions of dollars on cancer treatments and would not make profit from cancer cure. The truth is cancer is caused when a special type of microbe gets inside a normal cell, which results in it becoming cancerous.

How Is Cancer Cured?

Cancer can be cured by killing the microbes in the cancerous cells. When the microbes are killed, the cancerous cells won’t die. They will be able to revert to normal cells.

How Miracle Mineral Supplement Cures Cancer.

Miracle Mineral is a supplement with the active ingredient Chlorine dioxide and Chlorine dioxide is a molecule that kills microbe. For Miracle Mineral to get to the cancerous cells, it needs to bind with DMSO to carry the Miracle Mineral through the skin into the bloodstream. When the Miracle Mineral gets there, it will kill the microbes leaving the cancerous cells to revert to normal. For further instructions to cure cancer with miracle mineral supplement, download and read Jim Humble books “The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century”. His first book is free.

Where to get miracle mineral supplement

You can obtain the Miracle Mineral Supplement from Jim Humble’s official website .

Cure Periodontal Disease in One Week Using Miracle Mineral Supplement

Are you suffering from periodontal disease or any other gum disease like gingivitis or pyorrhea? If yes, miracle mineral supplement will cure your gum disease in less than a week.

There are over 80 percent of adults in America that have some form of gum disease. Periodontal Disease is an infection of the gum tissue that supports the teeth. This infection is caused by build up of plague on teeth. You may experience symptoms like loose teeth, bleeding gums, swollen gums, etc.

If you would like to cure periodontal disease and not just treat the infection with medication, then miracle mineral supplement is your answer. This can be done in less than a week. Miracle mineral supplement improves the efficiency of the immune system by over 100 times. It gives the immune system the ability to fight against many diseases like periodontal disease. You will be amazed to see how fast miracle mineral will cure periodontal disease.

Jim Humble, the discoverer of the MMS and author of the book “The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century” always had trouble with his teeth and after he used the Miracle Mineral Supplement, all of his infection and sores disappeared in hours.

The Miracle Mineral Supplement can cure Periodontal Disease and over 100 other disease like malaria, cancer, AIDS etc. Over 200,000 Americans are using MMS and more than 10,000 bottles of MMS are sold every month.

You can learn more about Miracle Mineral Supplement and stop the suffering of you or your love ones. Jim Humble is offering part 1 of his eBook free at his website

Cure periodontal disease today and live a healthy life.